Tuesday, August 12, 2008

not doing too well

yea, i'm not doing too well with that cleaning the house bit. i am busy playing with Della and soaking in this alone time with her. it's all good.

okay, so, let's talk about how unbelievably exhilarating the 4x1 men's free was sunday night. i was so pumped, i mean, come on. it was like you blink and the race changed right at the end. watching olympics=feeling like a slug. o well. anyways, that race was just phenomenal. i read that the anchor had the best 100 split of all time. is that true? sheesh.

my dad sent me this pic of Levi playing on construction equipment in their neighborhood. probably not the safest activity for a 3 year old and yet i know Levi is thoroughly enjoying this. anything which has to do with being a "man at work", he loves to imitate. mailman, fireman, trashman, construction worker, doctor, manager, drummer, chef, shelf stocker at target... it doesn't matter he does it. he even swings his arms and does this wide-stride strut. it's hilarious.

1 comment:

Daisy said...

Yay! I just found your new blog! So glad you came over to blogger!