Monday, July 14, 2008

Sigh get ready....

It's Monday afternoon. Todd just left for work-out then school, I just put Della down for a nap while Levi has been down for a little bit already. I let out a few tears as I take a deep breath, "I can'tdo this. Jesus can do this." What else is there to say? Every monday comes as an enemy, tempting me to think that life is about taking it easy and that I shouldn't have to be a parent on my own. How do single parents do it? Serious respect for them, always. In this life we will have trouble, I know, and it's a struggle to remember that Jesus' kingdom includes grace for this season. Todd's work and school schedule is not my enemy, I am. I am ready for some company, because I know that I can't trust myself to see things rightly! Jesus, come over for dinner, please. Life with two kids is a gift, indeed. I know it. Even if one is potty training... again. He's also in whining bootcamp while I am in worry bootcamp.

1 comment:

lover mother said...

Single parents are my heros.